Sunday, 2 June 2013

My New Life

Asslammualaikum Hi!

haha baru je 10 minit aku update
ni update lagi
ntah ni mungkin sbb aku teringat some kind of story that happen in me for the precious three sem here

its about a guy who meets a girl.
n the girl is me
and now its end
automatically end in sem 4 we here

and it appears again because of my sahabat baik ni tanya I balik pasal that guy
and I just replay 
all of it had been a history,and give a lot of moral values in me
and I don't want anybody to make him come back in my life
even he is only a shadow in the dark
because its hurt for the girl..
(okeh time ni aku seriously sedih :'( sbb aku tak nak ulang benda yg dah lalu )

and dgn nada happy I said
tambahan pulak sekarang I dah mintak mak cakap kat mak uda I yg kat Pahang tu
tolong carikan I jodoh
and kebetulan esoknya
mak uda telefon and mak I terus cakap yg I mintak carikan

haha and the magical things is
mak uda I mmg dah kenal seorang yg macam sesuai ngan I
mak uda cakap orangnya "tinggi,muka dia macam tiha,and dia tgh belajar nak jadi cikgu sekarang)
hihi aku pun seronok dgr :)
yg paling aku suka part mak uda cakap 
muka aku macam dia
kan orng selalu kata
jodoh kita ada iras2 kita :D
InsyALLAH kalau ada jodoh kat London pun kita boleh terjumpa!

p/s : New life does't mean a new change,but sometimes its a new came.

the road that u take sometimes never comes to end
but rarely u can return back there.


  1. ehem.. nnti nak buat nasi minyak jemput i tau!

  2. hehe nanti nasik berminyak-minyak aku kasi ko :P
